Have you seen a man of valour?
He is real in every way.
He knows his own worth and is content.
He strives to be the best he should be without riding on others.
He is secure.
He is not miffed by a woman's success
Nor do women of means get him off-balance.
He is strong and yet kind.
He watches after the women and children in his life
He does chores at home--
Whether he be a brother or a husband.
He does not relinquish his responsibility as the head to his wife in any way.
He is the breadwinner at home.
He is not lazy, he is diligent.
He appreciates his wife's effort in being his helpmeet.
He does not manhandle his wife, he is patient even when provoked.
He does not discourage his wife from moving forward in life.
He values every sacrifice she makes to keep the house.
He holds no secret from her.
He loves and protects her.
He does not cheat on her.
He LOVES God and dances to His tune--
Such is my own man.