
Friday, 25 September 2015

That Gurgling Joy

That joy, that gurgling joy, is my strength.

It keeps me going in days of trouble,

In the desert it maintains my eyes' sparkle,

It dictates my dancing steps in the night time,

And my voice it raises in beautiful melody while it storms.

Yes, that joy, that gurgling joy, is my strength.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Turn On Your Light

Don't worry about darkness,
You just turn on your light anywhere you are
And darkness will flee:
For darkness has never comprehended light and never will.

But if the light in you is dim or it is darkness,
How can you shine?
Arise! Get rid of every partial or total darkness in you
By letting the Light of the world shine through you.
For in His light we see light.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

That Little Boy

That little boy,
His mother gave him five loaves of bread and two fishes,
To have as lunch on his day out with Jesus.
But the crowd was hungry, hungry,
And the disciples were looking for what they might feed them with.
Then they found this little boy, who was willing to give his lunchbox.

"But what can five loaves of bread and two fishes do,
Among a crowd of five thousand men,
Excluding women and children?"
They asked Jesus.

But instead He directed them to have the people sit down,
In groups on the green grass,
Took the little boy's lunchbox and blessed it.
Then He gave it to the disciples to share.
Everyone in the crowd ate and there were twelve basketfuls of leftovers.
All these happened because of five loaves and two fishes which a little boy happily brought to Jesus.

What do you have that you think is too small to give to the Master?
Never mind, when you give it to Him, He will bless it and increase it,
And not only you will be blessed but a whole multitude of others.

Oh that we will stop giving excuses and give that little we have.
Oh that we our lives are willing for Him to use as He pleases.
Oh that in our poverty, we still give to Him.
Oh that in days of trouble we give Him that little praise.
Never forget that little boy’s lunch that did wonder to multitudes.

©2014, Ayobami Temitope Kehinde

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 7 May 2015


Africa is a biiiiiiiig country with many towns:
In those towns, you will find jungles with a lot of wild animals--
Lions, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, monkeys--name it.
There are a lot of humans there too.

Those humans, hmm, they don't go to school,
They can't speak or write pretty Engrish.
Their children are malnourished with bulging stomachs and skeletal bodies;
They feed on less than a dollar a day.

Those people, hmm, they drink dirty water,
They don't have access to clean water.
Those humans, hmm, they live in mud huts with thatch roofs.
Some of them even dwell on trees with monkeys.

Every house in Africa has at least a giraffe,
That ruminant with long neck, as pet.
It is such a sweet pet too,
It sometimes feed from its owners' hands.

In Africa, there are no side walks,
No roads, no bicycles, no cars, no trucks, no airplanes--
Those people, hmm, they go on all their journeys on feet, bare feet.

I am one of the human beings from Africa,
Ebony-skinned with a head full of wild, kinky curls.
This human, hmm, she did not go to school
And cannot speak or write pretty Engrish.
I come from that town in Africa called Nigeria.

©2015, Ayobami Temitope Kehinde

Photo Source for non-human pics:
Human pics mine.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

I Believe

I believe in God--The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
I believe Jesus is the Son of God.
I believe He came in the flesh to save the world.
I believe He died on the Cross and rose again on the third day.
I believe His death was to save me from my sinful nature and give me abundant and everlasting life.
I believe He ascended to heaven after His ressurection.
I believe He is alive forever more.
I believe He will come back some day,
To take everyone--who believes in Him, repents of his/her sins and asks Him to be his/her Lord and Saviour--home to be with Him forever--
This is an event we Christians call 'Rapture'.


I believe in the existence of heaven and hell,
I know it is not a cock and bull story nor is it a fairy tale.
I believe Jesus is the only way to the Father, the only way to making it to heaven.
I believe my good works and moral uprightness are not good enough to save me.
I believe the only righteousness God recognises in humans is the righteousness that faith in the saving grace of the Blood of Jesus bestows.
I believe Jesus lives in me, I know as well because I experience Him whether it is rainy or sunny, whether it is stormy or calm.
My claims are foolish, I understand, but the 'foolishness' of God has ever proven wiser than men.


I am glad I know Him personally and have a working relationship with Him.
I beseech you to seek Him today and invite Him to save you from yourself, from eternal damnation.

Are you confused about this whole Jesus thing?
Pray sincerely to God, with an open mind, to make things clear to you,
If you seek Him and do not give up, He will reveal Himself to you.
For you will seek Him (God) and find Him, when you seek Him with all your heart.
Jesus loves you and really cares.



Friday, 13 March 2015


Put not the cart before the horse,

Put not sex before marriage.

Just as it is foolish to put the cart before the horse

So is it foolish to put sex before marriage.

Sex with your girlfriend/boyfriend/fiancée/fiancé might be great,

 And you might really sincerely end up marrying each other and still have no issues,

 But that doesn't make it right.

 The Divine order of things is for sex to grace marriage, to spice it up and lubricate it.

 Sex is for the married.

 And like I saw somewhere,

"Dating is not for mating."

 So, flee sexual immorality,

Sexual sins are sins against your own body which is God's temple--

 Which God is very jealous over.

 (That doesn't make other sins less than sins, though.)

 Change your ways and return to the normal order of things.

 God will forgive you if you truly repent.

He will give you a brand new story and a brand new name.

Written on March 12, 2015

Monday, 16 February 2015

Rice and Cakes

As a little child playing with sand and clay,
I cooked sand as rice and molded clay into cakes, pots and animals.
We exchanged stones-cum-eggs for paper-cum-money
And it was pure fun.
Little did I know that I would ever be paid for playing with sand and clay,
Little did I know I'd one day work in a kitchen
Where the only things we cook and serve are sand and clay
Only that now they are consolidated into rocks.
Yes, I am a geologist, working as a mudlogger.

Like An Eagle

Like an eagle we shall rise,
When the Lord comes acalling
And the archangel the trumpet asounding.
We shall soar and go meet Him in the air.
He will be very happy to see us
And we will be so glad we make it.
I hope to see you there in the air
On that glorious day Christ comes acalling.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Easy As ABC

Backsliding is as easy as ABC.
The mode activates the moment one starts to
Walk in the counsel of the ungodly,
Stand in the way of sinners,
And sit in the midst of mockers.
It will seem quite innocuous initially,
One might even justify it with trying to win them over.
But little by little, the feet slide,
And before you know it you begin to detest what you once hold dear.
Watch it, when you think you stand, a gulf is right before you.