
Sunday, 5 April 2015

I Believe

I believe in God--The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
I believe Jesus is the Son of God.
I believe He came in the flesh to save the world.
I believe He died on the Cross and rose again on the third day.
I believe His death was to save me from my sinful nature and give me abundant and everlasting life.
I believe He ascended to heaven after His ressurection.
I believe He is alive forever more.
I believe He will come back some day,
To take everyone--who believes in Him, repents of his/her sins and asks Him to be his/her Lord and Saviour--home to be with Him forever--
This is an event we Christians call 'Rapture'.


I believe in the existence of heaven and hell,
I know it is not a cock and bull story nor is it a fairy tale.
I believe Jesus is the only way to the Father, the only way to making it to heaven.
I believe my good works and moral uprightness are not good enough to save me.
I believe the only righteousness God recognises in humans is the righteousness that faith in the saving grace of the Blood of Jesus bestows.
I believe Jesus lives in me, I know as well because I experience Him whether it is rainy or sunny, whether it is stormy or calm.
My claims are foolish, I understand, but the 'foolishness' of God has ever proven wiser than men.


I am glad I know Him personally and have a working relationship with Him.
I beseech you to seek Him today and invite Him to save you from yourself, from eternal damnation.

Are you confused about this whole Jesus thing?
Pray sincerely to God, with an open mind, to make things clear to you,
If you seek Him and do not give up, He will reveal Himself to you.
For you will seek Him (God) and find Him, when you seek Him with all your heart.
Jesus loves you and really cares.